Support of children and families of killed polish volunteers in Ukraine
Support of children and families of killed polish volunteers in Ukraine
3166 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
Zrzutka została wyłączona przez organizatora.
Opis skarbonki

Support of children and families of killed polish volunteers in Ukraine.


Fundraiser under the patrionage of @BadEmbassy and @WarNewsPL


Those are our heroes, friends, colleagues, Polish volunteers serving in the International Legion of Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Daniel, Robert, Janusz, Krzysztof and Tomasz. They fought and died in the name of the idea presented under ,,For freedom of ours and yours"


Today, in gratitude for their merits, we want to repay them by supporting those who were left alone. In particular, their kids, for whom we want to guarantee/ensure that they enter adult life with heads up and hearths bursting with pride towards their fathers.


The plan assumes that most of the collected/raised funds will be transferred in the form of a Trust Fund (deposits), which will be available to children of our heroes after they end the 18th year of their lives. The rest of the money will finance the most important needs of families resulting from losing their closest relatives. It will cover the possible civil/administrative costs, and above all, it will allow the creation of a second (ad hoc) fund, providing private pensions (monthly support), until the funds collected by us are exhausted.


At the time of our fundraising we will be posting stories and profiles of fallen heroes told by their friends from the front lines.


We contacted each family directly or indirectly, but not every family expressed the need for financial support. However, if any of the families change their minds and express their willingness to receive help, they will be added to the Drops goal.

3166 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
Zrzutka została wyłączona przez organizatora. Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. KRS: 0000634168. Kapitał zakładowy: 550 000 PLN. Krajowa instytucja płatnicza nadzorowana przez Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego. czytaj więcej to narzędzie do samodzielnego zorganizowania zbiórki pieniężnej na dowolnie wybrany cel, za darmo, bez prowizji. to nie tylko platforma crowdfundingowa (crowdfunding - finansowanie społecznościowe wybranego projektu) i fundraisingowa (fundraising - zbieranie pieniędzy poprzez wsparcie osób, firm, fundacji). To przede wszystkim wirtualna portmonetka/skarbonka, do której zrzucają się wszyscy zainteresowani określonym celem: zbiórka charytatywna, na prezent, na projekt/biznes, na wyjazd ze znajomymi - Ty określasz cel. to w pewien sposób "mix" platform takich jak Kickstarter czy Indiegogo z najbardziej znanym wirtualnym portfelem świata jakim jest PayPal. Zrzutkę może założyć osoba prywatna, a także firma, fundacja, instytucja. Zrób zrzutkę, zaproś znajomych i zobacz jak prosto jest zbierać pieniądze online!
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