id: ewwahs

Lifesaving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers

Lifesaving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers


  • PSIybvQSe64YlF5P.jpg

    You did it 💙💛 Thanks to each and every one of your contributions we could buy that device today!

    There are still some logistics ahead before it reaches the frontline, but at least we reached that significant milestone.

    Thank you / Дякуємо!

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Update from July 13th: After getting a chance to talk to Olexander and discuss their battalion's most pressing need we agreed to try to buy a thermal monocular that would help them to detect and protect from night diversions.


Dear friends (those, who know me):

Once again I am raising funds to buy combat tourniquets (CAT, $20 a piece) and/or combat gauzes (up to $44 a piece) for saving the lives of Ukrainian defenders from the 36th separate infantry battalion. It is where my classmate and childhood friend Olexander is serving now.

Your help is much appreciated!

Drodzy przyjaciele (zwracam się do tych, którzy mnie znają):

Ponownie zbieram pieniądze na zakup militarnych staz taktycznych (CAT, ok. 20 dolarów za sztukę) i/lub gaz taktycznych (do 44 dolarów za sztukę) dla ocalenia życia obrońców Ukrainy z 36. odrębnego strzeleckiego batalionu z mojego obwodu. Włąsnie tam teraz służy mój kolega ze szkolnej ławki i przyjaciel z dzieciństwa Oleksander.

Doceniam i dziękuję!


PS. O batalionie opowiadał dziennikarz Onetu Marcin Wyrwał:

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