Moneybox created for fundraiser Pomoc Dla Powodzian w Głuchołazach

Relief For Flood Victims/ Australia dla Powodzian

Relief For Flood Victims/ Australia dla Powodzian

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Pomoc Dla Powodzian w Głuchołazach

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Moneybox description

Catastrophic floods sweep through Poland. 

Once picturesque little town has been destroyed by water in just few hours.

People in Glucholazy don't have access to power or fresh water but they are working really hard to clean the town and they need our financial support.

It is even difficult to describe what they need as many of my friends have lost everything what they had.

Katastrofalna w skutkach powódź nawiedziła południowe terytorium Polski. 

Wiele rodzin straciło dorobek życia i potrzebują naszego wsparcia by odbudować wszystko co stracili. 



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