Białorusini w Polsce kupują Bayraktara dla Ukrainy!
Białorusini w Polsce kupują Bayraktara dla Ukrainy!
PLN 104,881
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Białorusini mieszkający w Polsce nie mogą i nie chcą stać bezczynnie wobec potwornej wojny w Ukrainie. Dlatego wspieramy zrzutkę na Bayraktara poprzez własną skarbonkę! Pamiętamy o wsparciu które Polacy i Ukraińcy udzielili Białorusinom po sierpniu 2020 roku. Nie zgadzamy się z polityką Republiki Białoruś, okupowaną przez reżim A.Łukaszenki. Nie chcemy być z nim kojarzeni. Stoimy po stronie Ukrainy aż do zwycięskiego końca.

Беларусы, якія жывуць у Польшчы, не могуць і не хочуць бяздзейнічаць перад жахлівай вайной ва Украіне. Таму падтрымліваем грашовы збор на Байрактара праз скарбонку! Памятаем падтрымку палякаў і ўкраінцаў пасля 2020 года. Мы не згодныя з палітыкай Рэспублікі Беларусь, акупаванай рэжымам А. Лукашэнкі. Мы не хочам асацыявацца з ім. Мы на баку Украіны да пераможнага канца.

PLN 104,881
funds raised via moneybox
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This moneybox contributes to the balance of the fundraiser: Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. VAT number: 8992796896, KRS: 0000634168. Share capital: PLN 550,000. Licensed payment services provider in the European Union under the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF). read more is a tool to organise your own fundraising for any chosen cause, for free, no fee. is not only a crowdfunding platform (crowdfunding - social funding of a chosen project) and a fundraising platform (fundraising - raising money by supporting individuals, companies, foundations). It is first and foremost a virtual purse into which all those interested in a specific goal contribute: a charity collection, for a gift, for a project / business, for a trip with friends - you define the goal. In a way, is a mix of platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo with the world's most famous virtual wallet, PayPal. A fundraiser can be set up by an individual, a company, a foundation or an institution. Make a fundraiser, invite your friends and see how easy it is to raise money online!
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