GE Healthcare for Fundacja Zdrowie Dziecka
GE Healthcare for Fundacja Zdrowie Dziecka
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 252 308 zrzutek i zebrali 1 422 525 123 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
Dear All,
This zrzutka is organized to gather donations for Foundation during charity bakeoff in the Krakow office on the same day (24th Sep) when our fearless GEHC volleyball team will part in the charity match to fight for life, health and smile of a child! This is the motto of the Health Foundation Child, which supports the St. Ludwig Hospital in Krakow.
Collected funds will be used for equipment of therapy rooms:
- An office for providing therapy for children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - FAS)
- Early Parenting Clinic, which supports families in creating safe, stable relationships with their child at the earliest stage of their
The goal of the Foundation is, among other things, to improve the treatment conditions of small patients Krakow hospital. We want the time of hospitalization to pass for children in a friendly atmosphere and in the best possible conditions.
More details in Polish:

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